Advanced Wrapping Class – August 2014

Patuxent Babywearing held its first Advanced Wrapping Class on August 23rd, 2014!  Our first class focused on Double Hammock and Double Sling Shoulder to Shoulder (DSS2S) and variations of these carries.  As a review for those who were there (or for those that weren’t able to make it) here is a recap of what we […]

Sick? Here Are Meeting, Carrier Return, and Washing Instructions!

Have you had one of our carriers checked out while your family has been sick? That’s OK! We know that sickness happens (especially with small kiddos!), and we hope the carrier may even have helped you get through the sickness with some snuggles. But we also want to make sure we don’t pass that sickness […]

Shoulder Flip Tutorial

Many woven wrappers find shoulder flips tricky.  A shoulder flip is when the wrap comes from below the shoulder and is flipped over the shoulder to create ruck straps.  Shoulder flips are used in tons of back carries including:   Jordan’s Back Carry Giselle’s Back Carry Half Jordan’s Back Carry Double Sling Shoulder to Shoulder […]

Babywearing While Pregnant

Babywearing while pregnant is a wonderful way to meet the needs of a soon-to-be big sibling.  Wearing a child while pregnant can be more comfortable carrying a child in arms. Before embarking on a babywearing journey while pregnant, be sure to consult with your midwife or obstetrician.  In most cases, if you are cleared to […]

ring sling positioning

Ring Sling Tips and Tricks

Having just gotten over a back wrap strike, I’ve been using my ring slings a lot more than usual with my toddler (who turned 2 in January). Ring slings have probably always been her favorite carrier, and we use them often for trips to the store and when we are out and about. Advantages of […]

Babywearing Strikes

“Oh, my baby didn’t like being worn.” It’s something I’ve heard lots of moms say. And while there certainly are babies who don’t like it and won’t like it ever, there are some tips and tricks you can use if you want or need to wear your baby and baby (or toddler!) is not cooperating […]

Wrapping Cheat Sheet

Once you know all of the types of passes that are used in wrap carries, you can easily learn new carries.  Visit our Wrap Pass Glossary to learn all of the pass types.  Here we will show you how the passes are combined to create many common carries.   Cross Carries:  Carries composed mostly of […]

Wrap Pass Glossary

All woven wrap carries can be broken down into different types of passes.  This blog posts will show  you the main types of passes and explain the pros and cons of each type of pass.   Four Main Pass Types All carries include at least one of the following four pass types.   Horizontal/Torso Pass […]

Front Cross Carry Photo-Tutorial

Front Cross Carry is one of my favorite woven wrap carries.  First, it can be completely pre-tied and your baby can be easily popped in and out of the wrap as many times as needed.  This is awesome especially for babies or toddlers who like to be up and down.  Second, it ties in the […]

Photo Tutorial:  How to get an AWESOME Seat in a Woven Wrap Back Carry

1.  Start the wrap on your baby’s back so that the top rail (or edge) is either at the nape of your baby’s neck (if baby will be arms in) or just between the shoulder blades (if baby will be arms out).  Make sure the wrap is smooth and not bunched up at baby’s shoulder […]