All the Feels

Why Our Lending Library Matters

Our lending library has helped our chapter hold 66 meetings, at 5 locations and support our 214 members last year! That in itself was a lot for us to be proud of. From a volunteer standpoint, the lending library serves as a great wealth of knowledge right at our fingertips. The lending library allows volunteers […]

A Cherished Moment

by Alisa Barnes Before this past weekend, babywearing had been just this thing that I did. Don’t get me wrong, I do love it and I wear my son a lot. I think we all have our own personal reasons why babywearing is so amazing. If you’re new just wait for all the awesome things babywearing […]

Why We LOVE Your Babywearing Selfies!

by Your Patuxent Babywearing Volunteers photos shared with permission by Patuxent Babywearing members Babywearing selfies are a fun way to celebrate babywearing. Many of us snap at least one almost every time baby goes up! Though it’s easy to feel a little babywearing-obsessed if you share a bunch of them on social media, I encourage you to […]

Thirty Kinds of Worn Babies

We saw and thoroughly enjoyed “The 15 Kinds of Nursing Babies” and it got us thinking about the worn babies we’ve met at Patuxent Babywearing.  Babies have all sorts of silly antics while being worn.  Here are some of the babies we’ve encountered in Maryland.   The Leaner This baby likes to scare random strangers by hanging his or […]

Babywearing, Breastfeeding, and Tongue Tie

By Rachel Boarman Babywearing has been a lifesaver with my third baby.  My daughter Ellie was born peacefully at home in June.  She was a healthy 8 pounds, 9 ounces and just beautiful.  We all adored her. Well, most of us.  😛 However, from the first time she nursed something felt different.  It took me […]

Babywearing through PPD and the Transition Back to Work

Like most working moms, I dreaded going back to work after having my daughter. I was able to stay home for 7 weeks before having to go back, and I had wonderful child care arranged. But still, I missed her. Having battled depression before, it came back for me when my daughter was about 6 […]

10 Reasons Why Toddler-wearing is Awesome!

1.  Toddler hugs and kisses!  Having your toddler close makes it easy to kiss their sweet little head or for them to plant their slobbery little kisses on you or wrap their chubby little arms around your neck.  2.  Toddler-wearing conversations are the best.  Wearing a toddler makes it so easy to talk with them […]